Monday, June 17, 2013

Laborers of Love

...your labor prompted by love...

                                                 1 Thessalonians 1:3

               "We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor 
                 prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."

    I'll admit it. I've needed some love. I'm a big believer in the seasons of life, some wonderful, some slightly darker, all of them good gifts from the Lord. This season of preparing for Haiti has been both a mountaintop experience of faith, and one of the loneliest times in my life. I'm stressed. Not tearing my hair out stressed, but the ocean churns internally. You know the feeling. Apprehension, anxiety, the struggle. I've told Satan more than once that He can not have my joy, it's not his to steal.
     And what do you say to people- "So, by the way, I'm uber grateful for this opportunity from the Lord, and I can't wait to go and serve, but in the meantime, I'm not doing so hot. I need a hug, maybe twelve. Can you help me?"
    It's a struggle, preparation. And if we're honest, much of life is just that - a struggle. 

     But then you add in love... 

                               and oh, how sweet the struggle.

Nothing God does in our lives is ever minus love. Christ never operated outside the framework of love, nor were we meant to. 

     God labored to create a world with words of love, cradling it and molding it in two God-shaped hands.  
      Christ gave His labor of amazing Love on the cross to give us Life and Freedom, and Peace, and Hope, and sweet, glorious Joy. All those things that feel so often like they rest just outside of our grasp, until we Know Him.
      Life is struggle, but isn't it sweet with love. Recently I was reminded that I do not labor alone. I was never intended too. God gave us Love, in the form of people called the Church, the Body, Dearly Beloved.  

I needed some love in the struggle and God sent it. Of course it was there before my eyes, but God sent me an extra dose. Laborers prompted to share their Love, share their hugs, share the struggle.

My mom used to tell me that anything worth doing is going to most likely be a bit of a struggle. I'm so thankful my struggle includes Christ and His precious people. I'd never trade this sweet Labor of Love for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heidi!
    It's Rachel. Just found your blog through the LCC K9 newsletter.
    Praying for you!
    Keep up the good work!
    I'm glad I found a way to follow you, more or less.
