Wednesday, February 20, 2013

God said, "Yes!"

For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us - by me and Silas and Timothy  - was not "Yes" and "No,"
                                                                but in Him, it has always been "Yes." 
                                                                      2 Corinthians 1:19
       There are plenty of times in my life when God has been the parent who planted His feet firmly in the soil and said a powerful, "No." Both for my own safety and to lead me to paths of spiritual growth. But isn't it nice when the answer gets to be Yes! When the path we travel is firmly planted and rooted in God's will, that you can feel in your bones a resounding "Yes" from the Lover of our souls.
       Sometimes, however it's hard to discern God's will in your life, the path He's leading you down. You sit, staring at the fork in the road and wonder,
                                                                     "Which one Lord...which one?"
        And so Dave and I sat, months ago, staring at that fork...One street sign said Ohio, the other Haiti.                                                 
                                                                      "Which one Lord...which one?"
     But this Sunday, we found our answer. As Jonah's 8-year old faith boldly proclaimed,
                                                                       "God said, 'Yes!'"
     Because as 2 Corinthians goes on to say 
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God."
         When we are talking about God's call on our lives, not just our own ideas, or pursuits of earthly wealth and stuff, and glory for my own purposes, but talking about God's call on our life and serving Him unabashedly, God's answer is "Yes!". He sees life differently than we do.
         In our life, Dave, mine, the kids...we could only see one path. In my best-case-scenario, I saw our path as life in Ohio, with a slight divergence onto a small hiking trail called Haiti, and then back onto the main road, back to Ohio. This is certainly one way to look at life, but I think we risk oversimplifying God's plan. God has a plan for His glory that is so much bigger than I can imagine. God revealed, this Sunday, that 
                                                                 His plan was both.
      Our church voted in nearly full confidence for us to go to Haiti, with their support. St. Luke and Haiti. Ohio and Haiti together- one path, where I could only see two. God's work need not be limited to the way our human minds might see life. He has a plan, and His plan is always better. 
                                                                His plan is "Yes"!

       So what is God calling you to in life? What path is the Spirit leading you down? Don't be afraid, when you're in Him, you know where you're going. With Christ, the answer is Yes.