But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
This morning I sat down with my coffee, peering out over the field at the beautiful morning. I was dismayed, as I took my next sip...
I had the chipped mug. Arg.
You see, a couple of years ago we bought these beautiful orange coffee mugs. They almost look like shades of fire on the outsides of the mugs, and they instantly make you feel both cosmopolitan and cozy, all at the same time. Several months ago, however, one of the mugs got a little chip in the rim. Dave gently replaced the chip back in its spot, using a little dab of super glue. He noticed that the chip was a little off, not quit in the right spot, but (super bummer) it dried in a nanosecond and could not be moved again. The dreaded mug sat in the back of the cupboard and no one wanted to use it. When friends came over and we needed the extra mug, Dave, being the gracious husband that he is, quietly and voluntarily used the chipped mug, knowing I wouldn't want anyone else to have it.
This morning, the chipped mug made it's way to my table, and reminded my heart of something else.
There are a ton of people in this world that would be happy to have a mug, be it chipped or cracked, just a useable, nevermind beautiful, mug. My mug wasn't just useable, it was full. Praise be to God. My mug is full. May He fill all the mugs across the world today somehow. Please, Lord, please.

My chipped mug is the best mug. Why? Because what in this world is not chipped. What isn't broken? So often in our lives we spend so much time avoiding the chipped cup, avoiding our true selves, so we aren't disappointed with what we see. But the truth is, we are all chipped. This world is not perfect, neither am I. But there is one who is. Jesus not only fills my cup, but he IS my cup. Because of Him, I am made new. My weakness is strength. I have life and a purpose. May He be what people see in this earthen vessel, all that He is...forgiveness, mercy, justice, love.
My mug will never be perfect, but neither will I, this side of heaven. Christ is, though. That's what matters.
I think I'll use that cup. I need a reminder of all I have to be thankful for, and who I am in Christ. And may I, this time next year, be sitting in Haiti, looking out over a field, ready to go and fill even just one mug that day, of someone else who needs to be filled.
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
There are so many courses that each of us could take in life. I can't count the number of times I thought I would take one path and God directed me toward another. The good news was and is...God's path is always better.
And so we step out... out of our comfort zone, out of the familiar, out of the "sensible" even, to follow where ever that path leads.
And so our journey has taken a turn. Next year for approximately 8 months we will live and serve in Jacmel, Haiti.
Well, there's all the practical reasons - I will have the privilege of completing my graduate degree in social work. I get to spend 8 months assessing, planning, and guiding women's sustainable development programs, counseling programs, and marriage and parenting programs, with the Lutheran Church of Haiti. The kids get to experience a new culture and learn things I can never teach them. Dave and I will have the opportunity to minister to people who have so little, the least we can give them is ourselves.
But...the most important factor is God's call in our lives. That's it. We simply feel called to go. The Spirit spoke in the quiet places of both my heart and Dave's, and so we go.
Sometimes, although you may have 12 reasons to go and do, the only one that really matters is that God has called you.