Monday, January 28, 2013

"Ooooo- Snows!"

He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,'

and to the rain shower,  'Be a mighty downpour,'...

                                                         Job 37:6

   Walking across the lawn yesterday to get to church Zeke was surprised and enamored to see the snow. He walked out the door and said, "Ooooooo- Snows!" It's one of those precious, treasure-these-things-in-your-heart moments for a mom. As he tromped further into the snow, I watched his wonder as he picked up a teaspoon of snow in his mittened hand and let it fall, only to gather up cupfuls of snow in his little palm and let it rain over his head. It was precious, and I began to wonder...

         What will he discover in Haiti? 

   My littlest son...what will you discover? What are God's great plans for you in a land far away? Children have such a capacity for learning that I think we can only begin to imagine. It's so fun to watch them grow and learn, but the best part is the awe. They see everything as if for the first time (and often times it is!). 
   They take a moment to stare in wonder and amazement at all of God's goodness around us. Because God really does say to the snow, "Fall!" and to the Sun, "Shine!" Children are not fooled by the world around them and all of the experts of science. They embrace the creation with joy and expectation of God's next good thing, even in the mighty downpour, even in the hurricane, even in the loss. They seem to take a moment to say, "Wow!" to a Creator who certainly is capable of Wow.

          What will he discover in Haiti? 

     So, what will it be- the sparkling blue of the Caribbean, the pleasure of the sand on the seashore, the unexpectedness of the palm trees...or an understanding of compassion for those around him, joy expressed in a new tongue, a new language, with new friends...
maybe even a stirring to share what he has with the little one sitting next to him who has so little. 

What "snows" has God presented in your life? How does he reveal His Glorious self to you, His much loved child? 

May we all be on the path of discovery, to Know Him just a little bit more each day. 


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